Meet Our Leaders

Leadership Committee

Jackie Payne, 2013 Chair
 Midcontinent Communications

Heidi Bloom, 2014 Chair
Sioux Falls Ford/Luxury Auto Mall

Jen Rothenbuehler, 2012 Chair
Holiday Inn City Centre

Lynn Thomas
Sanford Health

Karen Tobin
Sanford Health

Cynthia Stys
Sanford Health

Lynn Otis

Melanie Schopp
Globe University

Steff Lison
Midwest Medical Edition

Janelle Hoven
Ameri-Star Real Estate

Lisa Brouwer
Full Throttle Living

Tammy Bientema
Siuox Falls Business Magazine

Sandy Delker-Holbert
Principal Financial Group

Kimber Severson

Paula Siemonsma
Wells Fargo

Message From Jackie Payne

If I asked you what the single greatest health risk for women is, would you know what that is? I was shocked to learn that the single greatest health risk to South Dakota men and women is heart disease. In fact, cardiovascular diseases kill more women than the next 4 leading causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. The good news is that heart disease is largely preventable - if we choose to act!

I have chosen to act by leading the American Heart Association's Executive Leadership Team for the Sioux Falls Go Red For Women Luncheon to raise funds and awareness to beat women's No. 1 killer. I invite you to join me in this community effort to raise money for research and education to prevent heart disease and stroke. The Go Red For Women Luncheon serves as an educational rally for influential women and men in the community who are committed to fighting heart disease and stroke. You'll hear from survivors, experts, and committed volunteers who serve on the front lines of the battle against heart disease about how to decrease your risk and join the fight.

I hope you'll join me and make a commitment to fighting the single greatest health threat to women in our state. Thank you for your generous support!

Jackie Payne
Midcontinent Communications

Message From Nancy Brown

for position only

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Sioux Falls Go Red for Women Luncheon! We’re delighted you are here and appreciate your interest in learning how you can advance health, stop heart disease and save women’s lives. That’s what the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women® movement is all about.

Heart disease isn’t just a man’s problem. It’s a woman’s problem, too. In fact, it’s the No. 1 killer of women. And, tragically, far too few women realize their risk from this preventable disease. We need to raise women’s awareness of their risk and protect our mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and ourselves.

You can help, starting today. Here’s how:

First, take charge of your own heart health. Visit your doctor. Know your numbers (learn more at You can improve your blood pressure, cholesterol and other numbers by making lifestyle changes. You’ll be healthier and look and feel better, too.

Second, join the American Heart Association in making it your mission to fight heart disease in women. Help spread the word that heart disease is women’s No. 1 killer. Share what you learn today with your family and members of your community. Tell five women you want them to live and we can help stop heart disease in our lifetime.

Third and last, consider making a contribution. Your donation today will make a difference in the lives of women here and across the country. You can help fund local and national Go Red activities that support awareness, research, education and community programs that benefit women.

Thank you again for being here. My hope is that you won’t leave today without committing to making a difference by joining the Go Red For Women movement — women everywhere need your help. Only one in five women believes that heart disease is her greatest health threat. We believe reducing risk and preventing heart disease starts with education — and you. There’s so much to do, and so much at stake.

With your commitment, we can help women and their families live longer, stronger lives. Thank you for your generous support.

Warm regards,

Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer
American Heart Association



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