Meet Our Leaders

Leadership Committee

Marti Buscaglia, Event Chair 
Publisher, Duluth-Superior Magazine 

Executive Leadership Team members:
Heidi Achin
Sandy Blom
Mary Boylan
Shannon Gustafson
Nancy Hutchinson
Brianna Johnson
Jenny Miller
Patty Mester


Message from Marti Buscaglia, Event Chair

This year’s Go Red For Women Luncheon is going to be spectacular for several reasons. The first is that we’ve chosen 12 area women to participate in a 12-week program to meet their heart health goals.  You will have the opportunity to meet every one of them at the luncheon and learn some details about their challenges, frustrations and triumphs when going through the program.  You’ll also meet the challenge winner as you learn more about heart health and the not-so-known fact that it’s the number one killer of women in this country. 

Men are welcome as well, so please don’t hesitate to bring your significant other or male work colleagues.  Our goal is for everyone to understand how important it is to eat right, exercise regularly and look after ourselves in ways that will lead not only to a longer life, but a more productive and satisfying one as well. 

Join us as we celebrate the victories these women have accomplished through their participation in this program.  Learn what you can do to keep yourself safeguarded from heart disease – a very preventable killer!  And have fun with our silent auction (spectacular prizes!!!)  cooking classes, fashion show and other surprises designed to make this donation to the GRFW campaign fun and challenging for you as well. 

See you on the 5th at Northland Country Club.  I guarantee it’ll get your heart pumping! 

Marti Buscaglia

Publisher, Duluth~Superior Magazine

GRFW 2010 Chairperson
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